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Data and Predictive Analytics

Source, Transform, Visualize and Analyze

Harness the Power of Data with our powerful in-built Predictive Analytics Engine.

Data is the key to make informed decisions and better patient outcomes in the ever-changing world of healthcare. Without no coding, Eka enables healthcare professionals to develop sophisticated and intelligent dashboards using any data source with our in-built predictive analytics engine.

VIsualize Insights

Transform raw data into actionable insights with stunning visualizations and intuitive dashboards.

Flexible Integration

Seamlessly connect with diverse data sources, from EMRs to wearables, for a holistic visualization.

Empower Decision-Making

Enable healthcare teams to make data-driven decisions in real-time, improving patient care and operational efficiency

Data Analytics

Proactive Care

Predict and prevent healthcare issues before they occur, leading to better patient outcomes and cost savings.

Empower Healthcare Professionals

Put the power of predictive analytics into the hands of clinicians and administrators.

Custom Models

Tailor predictive analytics models to your unique needs, from population health management to resource allocation

Predictive Analytics


Improved Healthcare Outcomes

Our Data Analytics and Predictive Analytics capabilities have led to an 11-point increase in Member NPS (Net Promoter Score), enhancing both member and provider experiences


Zero Claim Errors

Automate benefits and provider claims configuration and integration, eliminating claims errors and reducing administrative burdens.


67% Process Efficiency

Experience a significant boost in process efficiency with accurate benefits and provider data across systems, leading to faster decision-making.

What Our Clients Say


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Enterprise Inquiries

Reach out to learn more about deploying Darwin at work.

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